Natural Allergy Solutions with Juices and Smoothies

Best Juices and Smoothies for Natural Allergy Solutions


best juices and smoothies for natural allergy solutionsHere’s a great tip: Instead of your morning cappuccino, grab your juicer and make one of these refreshing fresh juices instead – you’ll feel miles better!

allergic sneeze - natural allergy solutionsThese recipes are great for dealing with allergies. Of course you can pop pills, but why not drink healthy juices instead, and gain all the other benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables, together with safe and natural allergy solutions!


Ginger Pear Juice

  • Half a pear
  • Half a tangerine orange, peeled
  • 2 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 2 tsp freshly-squeezed lemon juice

Squeeze the lemon first, then juice all ingredients and drink immediately for best results.


  1. This will make quite a tart juice, it’s very refreshing and is a great natural allergy solution.
  2. Substitute a Granny Smith apple for the pear if you like it really tart!
  3. This will make only a small drink, which makes it easier for allergy-stressed throats.
  4. If you don’t have a juicer, you can also make this drink in the blender. You’ll need to grate the ginger first, remove the pear core, and peel and de-seed the tangerine. It will make a larger amount.


Sinus Cleanser

  • 1 small orange, peeled
  • 1 tsp freshly-squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 small apple, chopped, peeled if not organic
  • 1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
  • cayenne spice (to add after juicing)

ginger provides natural allergy solutionsSqueeze the lemon first, then juice all ingredients except cayenne and pour into a serving glass. Sprinkle cayenne pepper on top – as much or as little as you like.


If the juice is too strong, juice another apple or two and add the juice into the mix.

Parsley Allergy Buster

In his book Heinerman’s Encyclopedia of Healing Juices, John Heinerman testifies to personally curing his allergy-caused sneezing by eating parsley. He also shares another example of a man who consumed parsley juice every single day for 2 weeks. In three days, his itchy and watery eyes were better; in five days, his sneezing ceased; and within ten days, his allergies had been completely eradicated. Parsley juice may help with asthma too.

Try drinking a glass of parsley juice every day for 3 weeks. Then once your symptoms have disappeared, cut back to three times a week, and then once a week to maintain the results.

parsley for natural allergy solutionsParsley is a super herb with many benefits, but in terms of natural allergy solutions, it contains wonderful anti-inflammatory agents as well as Vitamin A which assists with mucous membrane problems, as well as helping with the health of the respiratory tracts.

  • 2 cups / 60 g flat-leaf parsley
  • 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic
  • 2 lemons, peeled and de-seeded
  • 1 green apple e.g. Granny Smith
  • 1 inch piece of ginger, peeled
  • 1 tsp raw local honey


  1. Strain and tweak to taste. You may want to add more apple or honey.
  2. Dilute this juice with a little water, as it is very potent.
  3. Drink it all immediately for maximum benefits.

(Adapted from a recipe by

Pure Pineapple

pineapple juice for natural allergy solutionsThe bromelain in pineapple helps to naturally reduce allergies.

Juice half a pineapple.  Service over ice if desired. Drink immediately for best results.


  1. If too much foam forms in your juicer’s chute, spoon it out and place directly in your glass – the foam will bubble away.
  2. Add some ginger or cayenne pepper for an extra kick.

Want More Recipes?

There are loads more delicious recipes (101 great juice recipes, and 101 dreamy smoothie recipes to be exact) in “Ultimate Juices and Smoothies for Fun and Health” so you’ll always have a great variety of drinks to choose from. Plus, you can start enjoying green juices and smoothies (the ultra-healthy ones) – even if you don’t like greens! Check it out now!

Want More Allergy Information?

As well as these great juices and smoothies, there are other things you can do for natural allergy solutions. Fro example, foods containing quercetin will help your allergies. Read more natural solutions here: Natural, eco friendly allergy solutions.

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