Are Beets Good in Juices? Is Beetroot A Good Ingredient?

Beetroot or Beets: A Good Ingredient for Juices? Or Too Strong?


Beetroots, also known as beets, are very popular vegetables used in a variety of meals. They can be eaten fried, steamed, boiled, roasted, grilled, pickled, and much more. But are beets good in juices? Let’s look at their pros and cons.


beet apple n blackberry juice shutterstock
beet, apple and blackberry juice

Advantages of Beet Juice

 Beet juice is one of the most potent juices you can consume, as it has many health benefits. The benefits of this juice include:

  • It helps with both high and low blood pressure.
  • It lowers the risk of some cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It has high amounts of iron, great for treating and preventing anemia.
  • It prevents cardiovascular disease by preventing calcium buildup in the blood vessels.
  • It’s great for detoxifying the liver.
  • It has a myriad of vitamins that are essential to the body.
  • It helps improve stamina during exercise.

These are just some of the main benefits offered by beetroot juice if you include it in your juicing regime. Health-wise, drinking beetroot juice is definitely recommended.


Disadvantages of Beetroot Juice

beet juice
beet juice

There are two main disadvantages of using beetroot juice in your juicing plan, but they are easily fixed.

The first is the cost of buying ready-to-drink beetroot juice – it can be pretty expensive! But you can still use beetroot for juicing by buying organic whole beetroots with the roots still on and juicing them yourself at home.

The other disadvantage of beetroot juice is the taste. It’s quite difficult to drink beetroot juice on its own because of the strong taste. Don’t worry about this though because you can blend it in with other nice-tasting fruits and vegetables – see below for some ideas.  It’s worth the effort because it’s such a superfood! Even just beetroot mixed with carrot creates a very tasty juice!

So, if you are thinking about adding beetroot to your juices, go ahead and do it!


carrot beet juice
carrot and beet juice

Beet Juice Mixes

You can add most vegetables to beet juice, but here are some that I like

  • Cherries and beet juice
  • Beet and carrot juice
  • Carrot, beet and orange juice
  • Blackberry, apple and beet juice
  • Lemon, beet and carrot juice



You’ll get a host of healthy benefits from it that will make you feel better on the inside.

If you need to cut costs, juice your own beetroots.

Add the juice to other juice concoctions to make it more palatable.

Juicing can get boring after a while if you don’t change your ingredients. So keep things interesting and add new fruits and vegetables – you’ll find it easier to keep up with your juices and smoothies plan.


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